Sunday, January 11, 2015

Start Spreading the Snow --- New York in January

So, as a late anniversary get-away, Ramzi and I decided to brave New York City in the January cold. And guess what? We got SNOW! Let me tell you, 5th Avenue in the snow is pretty spectacular. Here are a few pictures of our adventures.

Columbus Circle our first morning we were there. We woke up to it snowing!

This is my default pose when Ramzi tells me to pose more excitedly.

And here is Ramzi's Captain Morgan pose.

After much coercing, Ramzi convinced me that we should make snow angels in Central Park. I agreed, but I did make him go first.

It was actually kind of fun in the end. Even though it was kind of cold and wet.

I finally got to fulfil my lifetime dream of having breakfast at Tiffany's

They had the best Christmas displays that were still up

Ramzi said I had to actually eat in front of Tiffany's in order to have breakfast at Tiffany's, so this is my sarcastic pose to his point.

This is 5th avenue in the crazy snow.

We got a random stranger to take a blurry picture of us in the snow (we didn't want it to be blurry, but at least you can see the snow!)

I was impressed with how much snow Ramzi's eyebrows would catch. Excuse my finger in the picture. I could definitely never be a photography as my cover identity for my vigilante antics. Just focus on the eyebrows. I mean, they're always impressive, but more-so in the snow :)

The Plaza Hotel in the snow!!

And this is my "you are taken photos to close to my face" face. Ramzi thinks he's funny sometimes.

Beautiful Christmas decorations still up all around the city!

I was having a hard time finding a comfortable hair style with my penguin hat in the snow (penguin hat credited to my awesome Aunt Mia who made it for me) but Ramzi told me the side hair look was really working for me, so we snapped a picture before hopping on the subway.

A penguin in Times Square!

A crazy Ramzi in Times Square!

And look! The Mormon's are taking over time's square.

We were rebels and wrote on somebody else's car in the snow. Totally worth the cool shot, amiright?

The best surprise of all....Ramzi let me pick out something small from Tiffany's for our anniversary!

I was really excited to have my first blue Tiffany bag. I got the sterling silver infinity ring. I took it out of the bag and put in on before we left the store I loved it so much. (I'll post a picture later)

We went to Les Miserables while we were there. It was SOOOO incredible to see live! We cried and never wanted it to end. Broadway for life! Also, as a side note, if you have ever seen The Singles Ward, the main guy Will Swenson was Javert in the performance we saw. He was so great! As was the whole show!

We also went to the Museum of Natural History! We totally didn't get that many pictures but it was incredible!!

This was right before we went in. Ramzi didn't want his picture taken (obviously)

But this was his reaction when I told him to at least pretend he was excited to go inside.

One picture we did snap was when we were laying on the ground underneath the life-size model of a blue whale (it was totally allowed, I promise). We just laid there and pretended we were under the ocean, counting our blessings from being together and being on such a great trip.

And we did tons of other things (like Grand Central Station and the 9/11 memorial) that I can't find pictures of, but we really had a great time. This is us in our swanky hotel we got to stay in for going to a time-share presentation enjoying our fancy robes.

It was a great way to celebrate our first year of being together, and being back in the states for a few weeks, and just living a very blessed life. We're a little tuckered out from travelling and are ready to get back to our little piece of Kiwi paradise. But we're happy and healthy and defrosting from NYC back in AZ getting ready to head back.

Thanks for reading! Have you been to NYC? What are your favorite parts of the big apple?

1 comment:

  1. I loved going to New York City the two times I went! (Especially when I got to see you :D) Were you there for just one day! All of your pictures are great and your captions are hilarious :D And that's so neat you got to get something from Tiffany's! That Ramzi is a keeper! Also, I need a picture of the ring! Right now!
