Saturday, January 24, 2015

We're Leaving on a Jet Plane(s) really...we've been on 17 separate planes in two months

So, as you can probably tell from the title, we were a little crazy with our travels the last couple months. Here is a map to show you every where we've been the last little bit.

And here's the list of the total distance that we covered. It was just a couple thousand miles shy of the distance it would take to circumnavigate the entire earth.

Look! I even have proof from the NASA website :)

Anyway, here is a smattering of our random adventures over the last little bit:

This is a shot of us flying out of Dunedin, leaving beautiful summer behind. New Zealand is always so beautiful. It kind of makes it hard to go anywhere else.

But it wasn't hard to be packed to the brim with souveniers to bring back to the fam! Every time we fly Air New Zealand we get these lovely orange stickers telling us our luggage is the luggage of bag boys' nightmares. At least it illustrates how to lift with your knees.

On our way home to the mainland we had a ten hour lay over in Hawaii. We rented a convertible and enjoyed the more the perfect day in the sun driving down North shore.

Ramzi's hair is getting long enough we both need hair- ties enjoying the Hawaiin breeze!

Ok, and maybe spending some time in  Hawaii made it a little bit easier to leave Kiwiland for a little bit.

And now onward to our mainland adventures.

This is me gambling for the first on one of our layovers in Vegas. I won $1.80! Oh the joys of being a legal adult.

I finally got to see the Temple Square Christmas Lights in person! Plus, I got to see my sister which was even better!.

Of course we had to get a picture the star AND the Temple :)

We also got to see Ramzi's brother Campbell, who was modeling his Christmas onesie for us! We told him he was totally ahead of the trend. Kiwi's already wear onesies! Even to the grocery store!

This picture (and the next one) kind of illustrate our weirdness and randomness. One night in Utah, we decided to combine all of the pretzels, peanuts, and other snacks from all our flights with our free popcorn, peanutbutter packets, and chocolate we got at our different hotels for a movie night.

It was actually really really delicious. It's nice when snack hoarding actually pays off.

Ok, hopefully none of you are weirded out by dolls because these are really cool. My Grandma has dolls for her daughters and her eldest granddaughters. These ones are Sarah, my mom, and then me on the right!

Here's the whole gang with Grandma, Sarah, Mom, me, Cousin Becca, Aunt Marilyn and Cousing Rachel. And did I mention my Grandma made all of these dolly clothes?! Well, she did, because she's awesome like that.

Here's the four of us (Sarah, Mom, me, and Grandma) modelling Grandma's awesome work.

Sarah and I are pretty lucky to have such cool relatives.

And here is a picture of one of our favorites from Tennesee (where Ramzi's family is). Her name is Rodeo (Rodee for short) and she is madly in love with Ramzi, as evident from this super cute picture.

And this was our New Year's in Knoxville. We sat by the water, listening to the fireworks, and drinking sparkling cider as we welcomed in 2015. It was pretty great.

Oh, and here is me getting a surprise kiss from a camel at an animal ranch in Knoxville. Not a dull moment, let me tell you.

Here's a picture from New York I missed in the last blog post. It was so cold that I would only hold still for one picture. If you squint you see the Statue of Liberty on the horizon.

Oh, and here are the floating lanterns from Tangled in the Disney store in times square. Photo cred, Ramzi, as always.

And this picture kind of sums up our time in Arizona, cactus and the Ramsay's. We stayed with my parents most of the time and Ramzi really got to know my hometown a lot better.

And this was my view at every morning run. Arizona skies are incomproable. 

We also got to get a little outdoorsy. This is me after a dusty ATV ride with my dad. One of the few times I've looked tan! (Well, at least my face does)

This is one of my favorite pictures from our ATV ride through a tunnel under some railroad tracks. You can even see a sagauro or two.

Anyway, two days ago we started heading back to NZ. But we ended up having another layover (this time overnight) in Hawaii. When we're going that way, we just can't help but stop by the island.

We stayed in Waikiki and we got a room with the BEST view!

We even had double windows!

We could see diamond head from our room! We were kind of spoiled.

So we watched the sunset and got ready to head back to our new Island we love, grateful for this chance we got to have some random adventures while seeing and taking care of our familes.

And you know, it's pretty wonderful to be back in Kiwi-land, where we can be as wild as we want ;)

It was a good summer holiday. But we're happy to be back :) We'll keep you updated on our Kiwi adventures soon!

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