Sunday, December 22, 2013

The OFFICIAL Ramsay and Ramzi Team

Well, it happened! We're married! After a year and a half of dating, three months of being engaged, and a almost a whole week of wedding festivities....WE'RE MARRIED! We're excited for the adventures to come and just what exactly it means to be the OFFICIAL Ramzi and Ramsay team. So what's next for us?
        -Christmas in Hawaii
        -Packing and moving from Hawaii
        -Arizona Wedding Reception and visiting family in the mainland
        -Moving to New Zealand for Ramzi's new job and seeing where life takes us from there!

What's next on this blog?
      -Wedding pictures and stories!
      -Honeymoon pictures (big island!)
      -Pictures from our first major trip together to NYC for some of my school research.

But until I can get all the pictures I need's one of my favorite pictures from the wedding day.
I love it because we both look so happy and excited, and like we're about to embark on our first journey together and husband and wife (plus it showcases just how poofy my dress was). But it's true, after this moment finally being done with wedding photos and the actually ceremony, everything we do will be together and meaningful and part of establishing our own family. I'm happy I have a new family. It's going to be a wonderful life and an even better eternity. Go team Ramzi/Ramsay!

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