Wednesday, December 25, 2013

La Luna de Miel....The Honeymoon!!

Alright, one more catch-up post before getting to Christmas! Honeymoon time :)

Well, after getting married in Paradise, it's hard to know where to go on your honeymoon! So we decided to trade one paradise for another and visit the Big Island (or the island Hawai'i). Here are some pictures to showcase even more of the beauty the islands have to offer.

This first picture is still on Oahu. This is the complementary chocolate covered strawberries and sparkling cider we got at Turtle Bay on our wedding night! We had the coolest room Ramzi's parents were generous enough to get for us and it was a very magical and sweet way to start our honeymoon and our new life!

It's faint in the picture, but there was  rainbow when our plane took off!

First glimpse of the Big Island!

Cuddling and happy on our short inter-island flight.

Passion-orange-guava Hawaiian Airlines juice. So yummy.

View of the dry-lava part of the island. So different from Oahu, but still awesome.

Our first rental car together. It was nice to have a car with working AC and no over-heating problems!

I loved this turtle mural right down the street from our hotel.

And Ramzi couldn't wait to nap like them on the beach!

Getting ready for the long road trip around the island. 

Two great views: the landscape and my very handsome husband. 

Funny story: With all of our vacation eating, Ramzi didn't feel like he was getting enough fiber. So every morning right when Costco opened at 10am, we would go get Ramzi a salad and I would just get a fruit smoothie.

This is on the way to the green sand beach/south point. The lowest point in the United States. 

You can't really tell, but this is the gold/green sand of south point.

Ramzi pretending to pose like me to showcase the green sand. 

This view and the awesome sand was totally worth the two hour hike. 

I was so grateful Ramzi did all the driving so I could just take in the beauty of the big island. The ocean just felt bigger looking at it from the rolling green hills.

Lava at night time.

It was so awesome to see it glowing. We want to come back when it's flowing into the ocean. But it was still cool to see it glow at night. 

But of course we had to go back and see it during the day too. Still awesome. Lava can't help but be awesome. 

This is the sunrise with the moon from our hotel room. It was great to wake up to this every morning. We were so lucky the hotel upgraded us to such a good view when they heard we were on our honeymoon.

And this is when I discovered the panoramic feature on Ramzi's phone. So cool! And you can see how high and crazy the surf was. All we could hear were waves all night long. 

First picture at the black sand beach.

And then we made some awesome friends! Ramzi practically had to drag me away to go explore more of the beach.

Just awesome looking.

I like this picture because of the hair on Ramzi's feet.

Toes in the black sand. 

This was the lava tree park. We made it right before they closed the gates for dark.

I can now say I've touched a 2000 year old tree. It doesn't really matter it's only that old because it was covered in lava. 

Our last breakfast on the big island!

He only looks bummed because he's missing his costco salad. 

Awesome breakfast view. 

And one of my favorite pictures of my husband. Lookin' good!!

We had a sweet and wonderful honeymoon. It was a great time to de-stress after all the wedding craziness and to just appreciate having each other. Needless to say, my first week as a Dosch was absolutely perfect and I can't wait to see what else life has in store for us. Hopefully it includes going to the beach as often as we can before we leave Oahu in January. 

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