Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Start Spreading the News: Our New York, New York Trip

Aloha! So I know it's Christmas and I should be posting about Christmas....but that will come soon! If I don't make myself post all of our other pictures before the picture ones I might never get to it. Anyway, here's a little bit about the Ramzi-Ramsay adventure we had in New York.

This whole trip all started with a little bit of poetry. I have always loved spoken word poetry/slam poetry, and Jordan gave me the idea of applying to BYU-Hawaii's research program to be sponsored to research spoken word poetry and actually go to NYC and experience it. I was doubtful this would come to fruition when I put in my application, but lo and behold it was approved! And I was going to NYC to not only research poetry but to perform my own!

Now, after writing and researching and using my creative juices to write my own poem I was all set to go. And I would have had to brave the big city all by myself if my husband weren't such a schemer...but luckily he is always scheming and had saved up enough airline points to fly out there with me! So here are some highlights in pictures of our NY getaway and poetry experience! (Btw, we were able to be there the week of Thanksgiving which made it even more exciting....and COLD!)

As much as Ramzi doesn't like to do touristy things, we HAD to go to the top of empire state building. I felt like I was in Sleepless in Seattle and An Affair to remember all at the same time! Plus, Ramzi's brother Campbell and his girlfriend Heidi met up with us here and we had a nice family bonding experience visiting and going to the top.

I absolutely ADORED all the twinkle lights everywhere in the city for the holidays.

And Ramzi kind of enjoyed them too. 

More awesome Christmas decorations!

I also got to spend a few hours with one of my best friends from AZ who was also visiting NYC. She definitely approved of Ramzi after getting to meet him.

We went on a romantic carriage ride through central park.

And our carriage driver from Ireland kept us entertained.

Surprisingly enough (despite his bad past experiences), Ramzi agreed to go ice skating with me in Central park.


And you know.... he started out slow

But gained some confidence...

And just went crazy! He almost out-skated me. It was one of my favorite parts of NYC.

This was the Nuyorican Poets Cafe that I performed at. I was sooo nervous, but everyone there was so welcoming and open that by the time it was my turn to get on stage, I was ready and excited. Even with all the fun things Ramzi and I did, this was probably my favorite part. It was great to finally participate in something I love so much.

This is Ramzi getting tired of me dragging him to all the touristy stores in Times Square.

Yellow AND Chocolate!

Gangster Ramzi. His long hair just adds to it. 

More twinkle lights!!

On Thanksgiving day we had breakfast in a French cafe looking over the Macy's parade. This was the very authentic French toast we got to try! I was intimidated at first, but it was delicious. And as the menu was in French, I was very grateful for Ramzi's background in French.

And though it will never be as good as actual middle eastern food, we couldn't pass up getting some good falafel while we were in New York.

Overall, our New York trip couldn't have gone better. We saw 4 broadway shows (Romeo and Juliet, Mama Mia, No Man's Land, and MacBeth), I lived one of my dreams and performed my own poem at a New York poetry cafe, and we got to see many different and beautiful aspects of one of the most famous towns in history. It was a wonderful break from the stress of school and wedding planning, and a good trip to make me even more excited to marry Ramzi. It was a beautiful experience, and I can't wait to go back. Maybe when it's warmer!

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