Thursday, December 4, 2014

We're still ALIVE!!

Well...I have no excuse that we haven't had a blog post since May. We've been super crazy busy? I'm lazy? We were actually hired as secret agents and can no longer disclose our daily doings?

Whatever excuse makes you feel better about the hiatus of blog posts, believe it and...move on if you can. However, I am committing to at least one blog post a month for ALL of 2015 (with a post here and there from THE Ramzi himself) AND you can expect some great Christmas posts soon.

BUT, until then, here are some brief pictorial highlights of the last 7 months (*cringe* such a long time without a blog post)

Oh, and did I mention we're currently stateside for the Holidays? We are :) I don't think I could have gone another Christmas without my mom's cinnamon rolls. But we are missing our Kiwi-Land adventures and will return to our life abroad in January.

Anyway, picture time. Thank you for your patience and non-judgement of my laziness about blog posts (ok, you may be judging me, but at least you're too nice to tell me)

-Written by THE Rams aka Brianne-

Just another awesome movie-worthy view from New Zealand. Be jealous :)

And...we found PIGGIES in New Zealand! Though they're not quite as cute as our Hawaii piggies

We started playing Risk in the evenings. Our biggest fights we've had as a married couple started after an ill-timed invasion and annihilation (Ramzi's far too competitive for his own good)

Just a cool alleyway full of street art near our apartment.

Violently purple flowers I pass on my morning runs.

Our nerdy celebration of the boy who lived (and my first lesson in why you don't frost a cake while it's still hot)


A middle of the night project for Ramzi's Master's program. Is it considered graffiti if it washes away? FREE PALESTINE

Our first rugby game! Love Ramzi's grin :)


And...we live in a pretty cool place. OTAGO FOR LIFE! But we are happy to be Stateside for a few weeks.

P.S. Feel free to keep my honest and pester me in a few weeks if you don't see another blog post

P.P.S. If you are ever curious how we travel so much as poor graduate students (New Zealand to Arizona is kind of a long way) you should facebook me (Ramsay) or Jordan (Ramzi) about travel hacking. We only travel if it's free or severely discounted and we love to share our tricks and schemes with other people (that way people can come visit us wherever we live!) 


  1. The melted frosting just makes it look more authentic ;D And how fitting that you play LoTR Risk :D

    Also, I would love to come and visit you two! I've been out of the country every other year since I got my passport and next year is the year! So this is something we should discuss :D I love you and I'm so glad you're still alive!

  2. Haha. You should come visit us! And thank you for reading and for being grateful for us still being alive ;)
