Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Little Moments in the Kiwi Life of Ramzi and Ramsay

Well, life has become pretty normal for Ramzi and Ramsay in New Zealand. So normal in fact I kept waiting for something good to blog about. I've had more days of doing laundry, attempting to learn how to cook, and trying to remember to exercise than days full of notable 'blog worthy' moments. But as always, my procrastination skills showed their true colors and now there's almost TOO much to blog about.

That being said, waiting for something to blog about was a good reminder that there's really no such as a 'normal life'. Life may be full of mundane tasks like laundry and dishes and work assignments. But when you're surrounded by the people you love, life becomes full of moments of joy and excitement that makes all the 'normal' moments more than worth it.

Enough rambling, here are some pictures that give you a glimpse into what we've been up to for the last couple months.

Here's another sunset from our front yard. One of those beautiful little moments.

We were very excited we had the chance to go to the Temple in Hamilton! It was a five hour drive but it was definitely worth it. 

Here's a front view of the Hamilton Temple. And little miss Tamryn (the three year old granddaughter of the people we live with) posing for a picture. 

And here's Tamryn and Ramzi having fun on a walk around the Temple. Shoulder rides are definitely better  than walking the whole way ;)

One problem we've run into, is that we keep forgetting it's the beginning of winter. This is us caught in a winter rainstorm we weren't expecting on our evening walk. 

And here is another photo that can compete with my favorites of my husband. This is how he feels  about always forgetting it's winter until we are rained-on and cold. 

This is the view of where we like to walk every evening. 

It's a pretty little river we can walk by and enjoy the sunset. 

And sometimes explore my adventurous side when a tree falls in just the right place and it's just too tempting not to.

 The next photos will give you a taste on what it's like to shop down-under.

Now, don't get excited. There are no Costcos in New Zealand. BUT there is a Costco in Australia (where Ramzi goes for business occasionally) and Ramzi was just so excited he had to take a picture. Notice how you can get an Aussie Meat Pie and they don't sell pepperoni pizza!


And if you were ever curious if Sharpie's foreign cousin Skerpie really exists....wonder no more! We found a 10 pack for only 4 dollars!

I have a new lego-building goal after meeting this guy in the middle of the toy section.

Look coca-cola in New Zealand!

And this was my favorite discover during our shopping trip. Chocolate chips!

And...apparently they take their receipts SERIOUSLY down here. This is the size of a New Zealand receipt compared to a normal Walmart one.

And this is one of my favorite parts of New Zealand. These fruits (I still don't know how to say it properly) just fall out of the trees when they're ripe and you can just pick them up off the ground, slice them in half an eat them.

What's weird is they kind of taste like strawberries AND bananas, and sometimes Kiwi when they're a little sour.

Well, here's to appreciating the little moments that make it all worth it. And make sure you check back for the next posts! Thank you for reading!

1 comment:

  1. I love how much Jordan loves Costco, hahaha. All of the different normal life things are so fun! (Plus I totally want a Skerpie now!) Thanks for sharing!
