Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Tunnel Beach and the World's Steepest Street - Recent Adventures of Ramzi and Ramsay

Well, as it is late Thursday morning and I am currently home from work sick with my third illness in the last 4 weeks (I know, right?!) I decided I should use this time to update our blog with our recent comings and goings. 

In the last couple of months we have ventured to two interesting locales in and around Dunedin. The first one we went to was Tunnel Beach. It has this name because in the late 1800s a tunnel was hand carved to give access to the beautiful secluded beach below the cliffs. It was a quick couple hour hike (though steep) and we were happy to find such a neat little gem only a half hour bus ride away! Ok, ok, here are the pictures to show you.

The hand carved tunnel reminded me a little bit of Hezikiah's Tunnel in Israel. The skill and patience to complete such a thing is unimaginable. 

This is the beach the tunnel leads to. The water was freezing but it was beautiful!

Ramzi was the only one brave enough to test out the water. All the Kiwis at the beach with us thought we were so crazy!

More of Ramzi exploring and looking all manly and stuff.

We are so lucky to be living in such a beautiful place!

The next place we visited was after we had realized that Dunedin is home of the world's steepest street! I was little skeptical at first, having to been to places like San Francisco but... after having walked up the so claimed 'World's Steepest Street' I was quite convinced it was true!

You can see the street gets steep quite suddenly. We almost decided not to try to walk up it.

Here's Ramzi demonstrating the steepness. (Note: I got in trouble for this picture because apparently Ramzi was supposed to be LEANING and not just bending at the waist....but I thought he was just being funny. As this picture made it on the blog you can tell that I won that argument.)

There was this cool little mural painted at the top to reward you for making it!

It was cool to sit at the top and watch all the other tourists make their way up the hill and think about why someone would decide to build a house on such a steep hill. 
But as Henry Ward Beecher once said "It's easier to go down a hill than up it but the view is much better at the top."

But just know, if you ever want to claim having walked up the world's steepest street you have to visit Dunedin!