Friday, March 20, 2015

Dunedin is Awesome

Well, we have been living in New Zealand for a little over a year now's a pretty sweet place to live. Specifically Dunedin (the smallish city we live in) is really awesome. Here are some pictures to prove that Dunedin may be one of the coolest places to live.

If you want some history of Dunedin you should check out this Wikipedia Page. But it doesn't quite do it's awesomeness justice, so make sure you look at the rest of this blog post.

In Dunedin, you can find giant inflatable rubber ducks in the parking garage of the grocery store.

You can also find these flowers that I think look like someone painted with water colors with all their different shades.


There are great walks not even 5 minutes outside of the city that gives you cool views like this.

Oh, and sheep being everywhere makes things awesome too.

There is also really cool street art around almost every corner. I aspire to be depicted as a penguin someday.

Penguins seem to make really great street art. 

Some of the street art is more serious.

And some has the flair for the fabulous. 

And some of the art is just really interesting. Like this giant fish eating a bunch of ships.

Or this awesome depiction of a musician and instrument painted on the side of a music shop.

This artist felt that you need to wait for the bus with a friendly Scotsman watching over you.

Some artists knit the trees sweaters of the Scottish flag to celebrate the Cricket World Cup.

While others sculpt over breakfast at a cafe like everyone should do it. 

Some artists also like to celebrate dental health by creating teeth sculptures. (10 points to Gryffindor if you can spot Ramzi in this picture)

In addition to the street art, Dunedin's just a really pretty place to live. This is the sunset in the city center just around the corner from our house.

This is in the Botanical Gardens not even a 20 minute walk away.

And this is the beautiful harbor we walk to almost every night to watch the sunset.

Or on the weekends to get some sun. (Ramzi's too manly to need to shade his face from the sun)

This is the train station near our house and directions to a few cool places in the world.

Oh, and did I mention we live lik 5 blocks from the chocolate factory? Sometimes it smells like chocolate when I'm walking to work. 

It's hard to go anywhere and not want to snap of picture of how beautiful everything is. 

Or to start a garden with all the interesting plants around. 

 Needless to say, we're kind of super happy here and are enjoying our Kiwi Adventure while it lasts.

OH, and if you're ever not sure that Dunedin is an awesome place to live, just look at this street art of Roz from Monsters Inc and it won't even be a question. And yes, she's watching you Wazowski.