Thursday, May 1, 2014

We're Going on an ADVENTURE!!!! - Our Excursion through Hobbiton

So.... Hobbiton is epically awesome. So epic in fact, I'm going to let the pictures do most of the talking. If you are a Lord of the Rings fan, prepare to be jealous and to put New Zealand as the next stop on your bucket list. 

Excited Ramzi!

Our 1970s tour bus. It was named Gandalf the White.

So they have little Hobbit holes to make you look like not a hobbit.

It's much more impressive with Ramzi standing by it.

This is where Gandalf rides into Hobbiton in the first Lord of Rings movie.

Teeny mailbox!

Hobbit selfie!

Our own little Hobbit-hole :)


That tree is made out of steel and plastic. But you can only really tell its fake when the wind blows and it doesn't move.

The party tree!!

Ramzi just walking around and taking it all in.

I was excited to take a picture at this Hobbit hole because it's the one Sam-Wise comes home to at the end of the series.

The Green Dragon!

At the end of the tour they gave us a complimentary ginger beer to enjoy at the green dragon!

We were stoked to say the least :)

All the different cast members have signed the Green Dragon Guest book!

Our little Hobbit-sized pie!

Hobbiton wouldn't be complete without some sheep

All in all, this is one of our favorite places we have been able to visit ANYWHERE. 

And here are two tidbits from Hobbits that we have learned and hope to carry with us:

"If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world."

"Adventures make one late for supper."


“It is no bad thing celebrating a simple life.”

Thank you for checking in on us! And if you ever want to meet us at Hobbiton, we'll save you a room in our Hobbit-hole.