Monday, January 6, 2014

Happy New Year from Ramzi and Ramsay AND all our little Piggies

Aloha! And Hau’oli Makahiki Hou! Which means Happy New Year in Hawaiian. It has been a lovely and relaxing few weeks for our new little family. We have been going to the beach, going to the movies, trying out new recipes to try to use up all our food before we leave, and fitting in a nap here or there. But the best part about these last few weeks have been getting to play with and take care of all the new little piggies here on the ranch! There are about 25+ babies and it has been a blessing to experience so much new life as we're preparing to move from this beautiful little island we call home.

Instead of just telling anecdotes of our last few weeks, I'll post pictures and you can truly get a feel for what it has been like.

So this is probably one of my favorite pictures from the last couple of weeks. Because not only did a capture a rainbow, but my very grumpy husband who had gotten so impatient waiting for me to get a picture he decided to plop down on the sand. 

But he did cheer up and we went on a walk and found this perfectly crooked tree who was also admiring the stormy and beautiful ocean.

Just another beautiful beach we visited. 

We found a sandman someone had built. I bet he looked better a little bit closer to Christmas.

We also found this heart of coconuts. It was only fitting to take a picture of it as newlyweds who still get excited about anything related to love (well I guess I still get excited)

Oh will sure be hard to leave this place. But I'm happy we have been catching so many beautiful moments.

And here is me playing with the panoramic feature on Ramzi's phone and admiring the rain in the ocean. The beauty of this earth is limitless. Sometimes I feel like I can see God in the ocean.

Here is us on New Year's Eve. We went to the movies and saw Disney's Frozen. That's why we took a picture in front of the snowman as he's in the movie. His name is Olaf and he likes warm hugs. I'm making a weird face in the second picture because Ramzi told me I needed to make a different face. Anyway, after the movie we went to Waikiki bay (where we had our first date), and ushered in the New Year by watching the fireworks and kissing under the stars. It was a great way to begin 2014. 

And now for the.....PIGGIES!!!!!

Meet the baby piggies. They are small and brand new but feisty, curious and full of life. We are lucky we have been able to get to know them.  

This is Dixie (one of the Mama pigs, one of three). And with her and her babies is probably Ramzi's favorite places at the ranch.

Sometimes I know there's just no asking him to come in. So after taking this picture I just sat with him and we held all the different piggies until dark. 

After spending all this time with the piggies, Ramzi has become the pied piper of pigs.


They follow him everywhere and everyone is very happy about it.

Now, meet Hooves. We named her Hooves because she is all black except for the fur around her hooves. She's our favorite and we hold her almost every single day. 

Because she's our favorite we decided to bring her inside and give her a nice warm bath and get all the mud off.

She didn't like it at first, but she warmed up to it. 

And ended up all warm and dry in Ramzi's arms. It was quite the adventure and she likes to come inside with us more and more often.

Now meet our other favorite piggie: Chewbaca (Chewy for short). We like him because he is the only brown boar we have ever seen. And he's spunky.

Though sometimes that spunk makes him hard to hold. But in the end he tends to warm up to being held.

And I saved the best picture for last! One of the exciting things that happened in the last couple of weeks is that Brother Ford brought his family out to meet the piggies. It was fun to have him over and to share the best part of the ranch with him. We are excited to start our new lives in New Zealand, but we will definitely miss all the beauty here, all the good people we have met, and of course we'll miss the piggies.